How To Improve Your Image For Work When You're Dissatisfied With The Look Of Your Teeth
Whether you're embarking on a career on television or YouTube, in public service, or in any job that requires a fresh, healthy, and clean image, you may be worried about how your crooked teeth or overbite will affect your success. Luckily, you can improve your image and therefore increase your chance of career success by creating a healthier smile.
First Things First: The Braces
The most effective thing you can do to improve your smile and overall image is to invest in clear braces. Unlike the days of past, not all braces are ugly, invasive, and uncomfortable. Perhaps this is why an impressive 20 percent of the people who wear braces are adults nowadays. You can wear your clear braces to work and anywhere else in public without giving away the fact that you are undergoing any treatments, which makes it easy to build a positive image even while you're working on correcting your teeth problems – no matter how long it takes.
And many clear braces can be removed when you eat, do an interview, or make public appearances that are important to your image, then you can just pop them back in again afterwards to resume your treatments. There are a variety of other effective things you can do to improve your overall image while your teeth are being treated with clear braces. Consider using one or more of the following ideas:
Practice a New Smile
A great way to draw attention from your mouth and teeth so other people focus more on your facial features is to practice a new smile in the mirror that hides your teeth but looks natural. The smile should come easily to you, so you may have to practice daily for a couple of weeks before you're comfortable using the smile in public.
Start by practicing with a friend so they can give you feedback about your smile and you can adjust your tactics accordingly. If your upper teeth are visibly crooked, you may want to try a smile that allows your lips to hide them, yet shows off your nice straight teeth on bottom. Once you've found a smile that works for you, take the time to practice in front of a mirror in the car and at home throughout the day until it comes naturally.
Opt Out of Unplanned Photos
Another effective tactic to use when trying to improve your image with imperfect teeth is to simply opt out of any unplanned photos that people want to take of you, even if the picture request comes from friends or family members. You never know where the photos will end up or who will see them, so it's imperative to have full control over any photos taken of you if your public image can make or break your career.
If you will be attending an event or party where it's even remotely possible that you'll be photographed, even from afar, go prepared with your practiced smile and your clear braces on. And make sure that you have something in your hand to cover your mouth with when you want to laugh or smile broadly without someone catching it on camera.
Take Customized Acting Classes
Whether you're already studying to be an actor or not, consider taking customized acting classes that will help you build confidence with your current look and teach you skills that will help hide your imperfect smile until your clear braces have done their job. Talking, smiling, and even facial gestures can be taught by a seasoned professional to improve your overall look and image and give you the boost you're looking for.
These tips and tricks can be used alone or in combination with one another to achieve an image you feel good about so you can climb the ladders of your chosen career. For more information on adult braces, contact a dental office like Fayetteville Family Dentistry.