All About Your Teeth

The more you put into learning about your teeth, the better off you are going to be when it comes to keeping them healthy and looking great. The average person doesn't tend to give much thought past regular dental care. However, delving further into your teeth and having a clearer picture of how they work and what their weaknesses are will help you to keep them in healthy shape for much longer as long as you use this information to your benefit. [Read More]

What To Do If You Lose A Dental Crown While At The Beach This Summer

If you are vacationing on the beach this summer and lose dental crowns while chewing on some hard or sticky food, then it is important you know what to do. Since it may be a day or two before you can get an emergency dental appointment in a coastal vacation area, you need to understand how to reduce your pain and protect your underlying tooth from further damage while you are waiting. [Read More]

Why Should Crowns Be Placed Over Large Treated Cavities?

If you have recently gone to your family dentist and have a large cavity that needs to be attended to, then the professional may speak with you about the choice between adding a large filling and cementing a crown over the tooth. While a large filling is less invasive, cheaper, and far less time-consuming to create, crowns may be a better choice. Keep reading to learn why. Crowns Are More Likely To Protect Teeth [Read More]

Is Your Age Showing In Your Smile? 3 Ways That Tooth Bonding Can Improve Your Confidence

People often talk about how your skin will change as you age, yet you never quite expected to notice a major difference in your smile. However, your teeth are one of the first parts of your body to show the wear and tear that has occurred over the years, and this can happen even if you practice a perfect oral hygiene routine. As you explore ways to reduce the signs of aging on your appearance, consider these three benefits that dental bonding can have for improving the aesthetics of your smile. [Read More]