Enjoying Better Dental Checkups

When A Dental Crown Is Needed

If your tooth has been damaged by oral decay or an accident, a dental application is needed to protect the tooth and prevent further harm to the dental structure. For substantial damage, a dental filling may not be sufficient to treat the compromised tooth, necessitating the use of a dental crown.

A dental crown is a prosthetic device that covers the natural crown of the tooth, which is the portion of a tooth that remains uncovered by the gums and is readily visible in the mouth. Dental crowns are made of durable materials, such as porcelain, porcelain-over-metal, stainless steel, resin, or gold, to ensure that the tooth is adequately protected and can withstand the pressure of mastication.

Here are a few instances when a dental crown may be used.

A Breach in the Tooth Enamel

A tooth may become chipped or cracked from a blow to the mouth or excessive bite pressure. The break or crack causes a breach in the tooth material that can allow bacteria to invade the tooth, resulting in an infection.

Breaches in a tooth may also occur from decay. Dental decay takes place as the acid released by oral microbes eats away at the tooth enamel. If the hole that is formed by the acid is small, a dental filling may be sufficient to repair the tooth. However, a larger cavity may also require a dental crown.

Some breaches in the tooth material may take place when a procedure is performed. A root canal treatment involves the removal of the pulp from within the innermost chambers of a tooth. The dentist accesses the pulp by drilling a hole into the tooth. Once the procedure is complete, the tooth is filled and covered with a dental crown.

Reparation of Prior Restorative Applications

In some instances, an old filling may become loose and fall out, or a dental crown may suffer damage. A dental crown may be used to cover and protect the tooth with the lost filling. Also, a new crown may be used to replace a damaged one or to offer more aesthetic appeal.

Crowns may be tooth-colored, or they may be fashioned from metallic materials. Some dental patients may choose to have metallic crowns eventually replaced by tooth-colored crowns to match their other teeth.

If you have a tooth that has incurred damage, contact a dentist in your local area to have it assessed. The dentist can determine if dental crowns are the best treatment options for your specific needs. 
