Asthma And Your Child's Teeth: Advice For Parents
Experts estimate that around 25 million people in the United States suffer with asthma, and the disease commonly affects children. Long-term prescription medicine and lifestyle changes can help your child keep the disease under control, but asthma can also affect other aspects of your son or daughter's health. Find out how your child's asthma could affect his or her dental health, and learn more about the steps you can take to help protect his or her teeth and gums.
5 Ways For Your Child To Get The Proper Amount Of Fluoride
If your child is at high-risk for tooth decay, it is important that you talk to their dentist about your child's access to fluoride. Fluoride can help remineralize teeth and prevent cavities, but only if your child is receiving the proper amount for their age. Luckily, there are several ways for your child to receive fluoride, and you and your child's dentist can create a plan for fluoride treatment that works for your child.
Tired Of Missing Teeth? Should You Have A Dental Implant Or Bridge?
If you've been bothered by a missing tooth for years, you may finally be considering a permanent (or semi-permanent) replacement. While dental implants can help create a tooth that looks and feels nearly identical to your natural tooth (and requires no nightly removal or cleaning), you may wonder whether it's worth investing in this option and the associated surgical procedure if a bridge or partial denture would do the job just as effectively.
Dental Abscess FAQs
You've had a nasty toothache for a couple of days and no matter what you do, the pain won't seem to subside. Before you assume you have a cavity, there may be another more serious reason why you're in so much dental pain: an abscess. An abscess is an bacterial infection that if left untreated, can be very serious. Here are some questions you might have about dental abscesses – including whether or not you should head straight to the emergency room:
Do You Have A Dental Bridge? Watch Out For These Possible Problems
For many patients, a dental bridge provides a simple and affordable way to replace a missing tooth. There's a good chance you'll go through the rest of your life and have no trouble at all with your bridge -- but there also a chance you'll run into some issues with the bridge or the teeth adjacent to it. Being aware of these problems and their early signs is essential, since the earlier you notice them and seek treatment from your dentist, the fewer consequences you're likely to suffer.
9 Ways To Keep Your Teeth White
You just got a professional whitening treatment at the dentist's office and love the way your smile looks. It is so white and bright that you know people will notice you from across a room. However, if you want to maintain that white smile for a while, you have to take proper care of your teeth and avoid certain habits. Here are nine effective ways to keep your teeth white:
Brace Yourself! 2 Things You Need To Know About Your Child's Braces And Proper Dental Care
Does your child currently suffer from a dental condition known as malocclusion? Malocclusion is a condition in which the teeth are crooked. The top teeth tend to overlap the bottom teeth, which can make proper chewing difficult. Typically, orthodontists treat the problem with braces. If you opt for your child to receive braces, there are a couple of things you need to know about proper dental care.
Problems Fixed by Braces
4 Things Your Dentist Wishes You Knew About Kids' Teeth
If you're a parent you no doubt worry about every aspect of your child's health. From their head to their toes, you want them to be completely healthy and happy. Parents often make a few mistakes when it comes to their children's teeth, and your child's dentist probably wishes you knew a little more about how to take great care of your kiddo's dental health. Read on, and you'll get some good ideas to implement right away.
Three All-Natural Strategies For Dealing With Chronic Bruxism
Bruxism--commonly known as grinding your teeth--is a fairly common condition that is estimated to affect somewhere around 30 to 40 million Americans each year. Over time, constant grinding can wear down the enamel on your teeth, making it difficult to chew and introducing the potential for serious decay. It can also cause headaches, neck aches, and a variety of other musculoskeletal problems. In this short guide, you'll learn about three all-natural strategies you can use to help alleviate bruxism.
3-Step Home Remedy For Treating Your Minor Symptoms After Laser Gum Treatment
If you are about to have laser treatment for your gums, your dentist may have already explained that the use of lasers reduces the amount of pain, swelling and bleeding normally found after gum surgery. However, you may still have minor symptoms. If so, use the following three-step home remedy for soothing your sore, swollen gums and reducing the bleeding even further.
Step 1: Rinse Your Mouth With Homemade Mouthwash