Enjoying Better Dental Checkups

3 Benefits Of Molar Dental Implants

Many dental patients don't worry as much about losing their back teeth simply because they aren't visible when they smile. In reality, however, molars are some of the most important teeth in your mouth.

Don't feel that you're alone if you've experienced tooth loss: according to the American College of Prosthodontists, 120 million people in the U.S. are missing at least one tooth. If you've lost one or more back teeth, molar implants could be the solution you're looking for. This guide will introduce three benefits of molar dental implants.

1. Avoid Difficulty Chewing

Your molars do all the work when you chew your food. Missing molars can make it difficult or impossible to chew hard and crunchy foods. Foods with kernels can easily get lodged in the space where the tooth is missing. Worse yet, the force of your bite can be enough to damage a tooth next to the gap if a hard piece of food hits it at an angle.

People who postpone treatment for missing teeth often avoid foods that are difficult to eat, whether consciously or unconsciously. This can result in poor nutrition since nutritious foods like nuts, thick-skinned fruits and vegetables, and lean meats can be tough to chew. Chewing with a missing tooth can also irritate and inflame the gums where they come in contact with food.

2. Prevent Jawbone Deterioration

Tooth roots are embedded in the jawbone, and they provide stimulation to the bone that helps to keep it healthy. Pressure signals from the teeth trigger healing and renewal of the bone tissue. When a tooth is missing, the body will begin to absorb the jawbone in that area where it no longer seems to be needed.

Lost molars are of greater concern than other teeth when it comes to bone loss because they have broad roots that stimulate large areas of bone. When upper molars are lost, sinus pressure can further accelerate deterioration in the upper jaw. Pressure can cause the sinus cavities to grow until there is not enough bone tissue left to support implants.

jawbone deterioration due to tooth loss can be slowed with molar implants. The titanium root of a dental implant stimulates the jawbone much like a natural tooth root. If bone loss has progressed enough that the jaw cannot support a molar implant, oral surgeons can use bone grafting to rebuild the jawbone.

3. Support Natural Molars

In addition to stimulating the jawbone, teeth provide strength and support for the teeth that are next to them. When you are missing a molar, the adjacent teeth may gradually begin to angle inward as pressure from other teeth pushes them toward the empty space.

Teeth that shift into the spaces left by missing teeth are at greater risk of chipping or breaking when you bite down. Shifting from tooth loss can also exaggerate the appearance of gaps between all of your teeth. Misaligned teeth are also more susceptible to tooth decay because it is difficult to reach every surface of the tooth with your toothbrush.

Dental implants eliminate the shifting effect that is seen with missing molars. The crown of a dental implant is strong enough to withstand the force of adjacent teeth, just like a natural tooth. Dentists use impressions of your teeth to create implant crowns that fit perfectly.

Dental implants can provide a strong and long-lasting replacement no matter which teeth are missing. Don't hesitate to speak to your dentist about molar implants just because your molars aren't visible. If you take action to replace a missing molar now, you can enjoy many years of excellent oral health!
