Enjoying Better Dental Checkups

Signs You May Need Tooth Filling

Excessive intake of sugars and poor dental hygiene may encourage bacteria to thrive and cause tooth decay that may eventually form a cavity. You need to treat a cavity quickly. Otherwise, you may lose your teeth. One effective treatment for cavities is getting a tooth filling. But what shows that you require cavity fillings? Here are some of the telltale signs.


Severe tooth decay may spread into your tooth pulp, forming a cavity. When the pulp, which comprises blood vessels, gets infected, the pulp decays and becomes blackish. This may cause tooth discoloration. Discolored teeth may be unattractive and may lower your confidence to interact with people as the discoloration may be visible. Your dentist can treat the cavity by removing the damaged pulps and placing a filling such as a porcelain filling that mimics the color of your natural teeth.  This solves your tooth color change problem, boosting your confidence.


Tooth decay wears down the enamel and may expose the pulp. Hence, you may experience a severe toothache. This may interfere with your teeth' functions, and you may not be able to bite or chew hard foods. While pain medication may offer quick relief, this may be a temporary solution. Before filling your tooth, your dentist removes the infected pulp and cleans the tooth with a disinfectant. Then, the dentist places the filling, preventing further tooth damage or infection. This eliminates tooth pain. However, you need to brush your teeth regularly and maintain high levels of dental hygiene to avoid further tooth decay in the future.

Visible Cracks or Holes

Your tooth may chip or crack due to impact from injuries or accidents. Bacteria may hide within the cracks or pits, resulting in cavities or holes. Also, the bacteria may cause bad breath. Hence, visible cracks or holes require dental filling to save your teeth. Nonetheless, ensure that you get a professional dentist to install the cavity fillings for effective results and longevity.

Deteriorated Existing Filling

If you have a previous dental filling, it may crack or fall out over time, exposing your tooth to infection. So, visit a dentist to place a new filling in your tooth to prevent reinfection of your already damaged tooth.

The indicators of cavity fillings include toothache, discoloration, sensitivity, visible holes and cracks, and the deterioration of an existing filling. Consider visiting a dentist office such as Dental Clinic of Onalaska to get a filling when you see these signs.
