
Three Tips To Help Keep Invisalign Invisible

If you want straighter teeth but don't want to have the look of a metal mouth for several years, Invisalign can be a great choice. The clear aligners snap onto your teeth, slowly straightening them without dramatically changing your appearance. Usually, nobody can even tell you're wearing them unless they examine your teeth close-up. However, some patients have issues with their aligners discoloring and turning yellow if they are not careful with them.

3 Options To Ease Your Fear Of The Dentist

Having a healthy and appealing smile is possible with proper brushing and flossing. However, regular checkups by your dentist are also necessary to prevent and treat underlying oral conditions. Unfortunately, fear of the dentist, dental tools, or different procedures may prevent from having healthy teeth and gums. An estimated 30 to 40 million Americans have a fear or anxiety over the dentist. Thankfully, help is available. With this guide, you will learn a few techniques to ease your fear to ensure you receive proper oral healthcare.

Why Is Grinding Your Teeth Such A Big Deal?

Do you grind your teeth at night or perhaps even during the day when you're feeling stressed or anxious? You may have heard this is bad for your teeth but shrugged it off. However, the truth is grinding your teeth really is something you need to be concerned about. Here's why. What damage can grinding your teeth cause? The outer layer of your teeth, known as the enamel, is pretty strong.

Signs That Your Tooth Needs To Be Looked At ASAP

If you have a dental problem that develops over the weekend, then you may want to wait until Monday to deal with the issue. While this is something that you may want to do if you have a cavity or a dull pain in your tooth, some situations call for the assistance of an emergency dentist, such as Bradley T Piotrowski DDS MSD LLC. If you are unsure if you are experiencing an emergency, keep reading to learn about some clear signs that you should be seeking out dental help as soon as possible.

How Does Acid Reflux Affect Your Oral Health?

If you struggle with frequent heartburn and have not visited a doctor for treatment, you may want to consider doing this. Frequent heartburn is a common symptom of acid reflux, and this health problem will not only harm your esophagus; it could also harm your teeth. Here are some of the effects untreated acid reflux can have on your oral health. It leads to tooth erosion. Acid reflux is a condition that causes stomach acids to work their way up through a person's esophagus.

Tips For Keeping Your Teeth Naturally White And Removing Surface Stains

If you noticed that your teeth are beginning to look a bit yellow, then you will be happy to know that there are many things you can do to whiten your teeth at home without buying expensive bleaching products. Since most yellowing is caused by stains on the surface of your teeth, you can use some basic household products to safely remove them.  To whiten up your teeth and improve your smile, follow each of these important tips:

Understanding the Differences Between All-on-Four Implants & Dentures

If you have lost all your teeth due to an accident or a widespread decay issue, then you may not be too happy about the thought of dentures. While traditional dentures are a good option for some, you may want a more permanent and natural look reconstruction. This means that you need to work with a dentist who is experienced in full mouth reconstruction. The professional may suggest that dental implants are secured, and a process called all on four implantation may be suggested.

The Benefits Of Choosing Laser Whitening Over A Traditional Dental Gel Treatment

If your teeth are stained, then it is wise to meet with a dental professional who can help you understand how you can get whiter teeth. The professional will likely inform you all about in-office whitening treatments that include gel whitening solutions as well as laser assisted whitening. Laser whitening is extremely common, but it is often a bit more expensive than traditional treatments that are completed with trays and regular carbamide peroxide gels.

How To Improve Your Image For Work When You're Dissatisfied With The Look Of Your Teeth

Whether you're embarking on a career on television or YouTube, in public service, or in any job that requires a fresh, healthy, and clean image, you may be worried about how your crooked teeth or overbite will affect your success. Luckily, you can improve your image and therefore increase your chance of career success by creating a healthier smile. First Things First: The Braces The most effective thing you can do to improve your smile and overall image is to invest in clear braces.

2 Tooth Replacement Options

If you have lost a tooth recently, you may be concerned about how your loss will affect your appearance and your ability to chew. However, there are many different tooth replacement options available that can restore the look of your smile and your ability to masticate your food properly. Here are a few of them: Dental Bridge A dental bridge can be fixed in your mouth to replace a missing tooth.