Dental Implants For Diabetics? Tips For Implant Success

If you have diabetes, you may have heard or read at some point that dental implants weren't an option for you. Surgeries can carry additional risks and complications for patients living with diabetes, and it was once thought that these patients had to settle for other means of tooth replacement, like dentures. However, more recent studies have shown that patients with diabetes can benefit from dental implants, just as non-diabetic patients do. [Read More]

Asthma And Your Child's Teeth: Advice For Parents

Experts estimate that around 25 million people in the United States suffer with asthma, and the disease commonly affects children. Long-term prescription medicine and lifestyle changes can help your child keep the disease under control, but asthma can also affect other aspects of your son or daughter's health. Find out how your child's asthma could affect his or her dental health, and learn more about the steps you can take to help protect his or her teeth and gums. [Read More]

5 Ways For Your Child To Get The Proper Amount Of Fluoride

If your child is at high-risk for tooth decay, it is important that you talk to their dentist about your child's access to fluoride. Fluoride can help remineralize teeth and prevent cavities, but only if your child is receiving the proper amount for their age. Luckily, there are several ways for your child to receive fluoride, and you and your child's dentist can create a plan for fluoride treatment that works for your child. [Read More]

Tired Of Missing Teeth? Should You Have A Dental Implant Or Bridge?

If you've been bothered by a missing tooth for years, you may finally be considering a permanent (or semi-permanent) replacement. While dental implants can help create a tooth that looks and feels nearly identical to your natural tooth (and requires no nightly removal or cleaning), you may wonder whether it's worth investing in this option and the associated surgical procedure if a bridge or partial denture would do the job just as effectively. [Read More]