Natural Remedies To Keep Your Teeth And Gums Healthy And Your Teeth Stain-Free

Keeping your teeth and gums healthy-looking and your teeth stain-free is a good way to improve your personal appearance and your self-confidence. Besides affecting your physical appearance, keeping healthy teeth and gums can also affect how you speak and chew and can affect your body's overall health by decreasing your risk of heart disease, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, and kidney disease. Here are some natural remedies you can use at home to increase the health and strength of your gums and teeth and safely whiten your teeth. [Read More]

3 Tips To Start The New Year With A Whiter Smile

Your smile is probably the first thing that others notice about you. Because your oral health can play into people's impressions of you, it is important that you are not only healthy, but that you are presenting the best version of yourself. Whether you are starting at a new organization or your kids are starting a new extracurricular activity, it is important for your whole family to have healthy smiles. Here are three tips to help your family start the new year with whiter smiles. [Read More]

The Benefits Of Opting For A Dental Bridge

If you have a single missing tooth in an obvious part of the mouth, then you may want to replace the tooth to enhance your dental aesthetics. There are a variety of options for tooth replacement that include dental implants. However, if surgery is not a viable option for you, then a bridge may be your best choice for a strong and natural looking tooth. Bridges can even last over 10 years in some cases. [Read More]

Why A Temporary Anchorage Device Is Helpful With Braces For Closing Gaps

Braces are the most commonly used item for straightening teeth because they offer an effective way to have nicer teeth. Not only can braces align teeth into the proper positioning, but braces can also fix other issues, such as gaps between the teeth. If your child is missing one or more molar teeth, an orthodontist might be able to close the gap he or she has by using braces and a temporary anchorage device. [Read More]