Men Over 40: How Do You Rebuild Your Lower Jawbone After Tooth Loss?

If you're over the age of 40 and experience bone loss in your lower jaw after losing molars, take steps to rebuild and replace it before you get dental implants. Bone loss in the lower jaw makes your face appear older over time, particularly in the skin and muscles covering your jaw, which eventually lose their elasticity and strength. Your jawline, chin and cheekbones also look less chiseled after you lose bone and teeth. [Read More]

Professional Teeth Whitening Services: A Look At Calcium Phosphate-Based Formulations

A beautiful, bright and white smile can easily transform your face and make you appear a lot more attractive and friendly. It is one of the most common cosmetic procedures performed in the U.S., with the teeth whitening industry pulling in a total annual revenue of approximately $11 billion. There are plenty of teeth whitening kits available over-the-counter and teeth whitening services offered by dentists. The teeth whitening mechanism employed will vary. [Read More]

4 Symptoms Of Oral Disease

Though it is likely that you brush and floss every day, you are probably not too terribly concerned with the possibility of an oral disease itself. However, you should be. Oral diseases are incredibly common – even if you do take adequate care of your teeth – and you should be made aware of the symptoms that might plague you if you contract such a disease. There are a number of symptoms that might indicate that you are suffering from an oral disease, and if you are experiencing these symptoms you should seek out the treatment of a dentist right away. [Read More]

What Should You Know About Dental Implants As A Recovering Alcoholic?

If you've recently sought help in dealing with alcoholism, you may be excited to finally feel free from the shackles of your addiction for the first time in years (or even decades). But despite your recent commitment to sobriety, you could still be facing permanent health-related consequences of your years of alcohol abuse -- particularly when it comes to your oral health. If you're considering dental implants as a way to restore lost or damaged teeth, you'll first need to learn about some of the potential consequences of falling off the wagon after your implant surgery, as well as some health conditions that could prevent your implants from succeeding. [Read More]